Monday, September 30, 2024

What I Have Learned About Submission

 I spent many years thinking I knew a lot about submission and did a pretty good job of it.  When God came to me with a request, I pondered it carefully and made the best decision that I was comfortable with, and patted myself on the back for every little crumb I gave God.  When I think back to all those years it makes me somewhat embarrassed and completely ashamed that I did this and still managed to  be so proud of myself.   I wonder what God thought about that?  Did He roll his eyes at that silly, pompous human being?  Or get angry?  Or something else?  He did get my attention eventually and in no uncertain terms set me straight on how far off the mark I really was.  

Looking back, it seems that submission involved a lot of other things I needed to know first, especially: 

1) Humility.  I can't be submissive to His will if I somehow think I know best, or need some time to weigh which of us, God or me, is the wiser in any given situation. 
2) I had to learn to hear what God was telling me, in whatever way He was using.  It takes listening, as well as talking, in prayer.  It takes daily Bible reading.  
3) Discernment.  I think you have to know without a doubt that what you're hearing is of God and not of your own willfulness.  And if I don't know what my Bible says, discernment is going to be hard.
4) Courage.  If you have to weigh obedience against your comfort level, you'll never be submissive.  

In humility I had to learn to empty myself out completely at His feet and trust whatever direction He is taking me, even if (or especially when) I don't understand it or like it.  Without a doubt, there's more to learn and He will indeed continue to school me, for which I say, "Thank You, Lord."

Saturday, September 21, 2024

God is Good - All the Time

So many times I have seen Facebook prayer requests that have ended well, and replies are often "God is good."  So, does that mean when healing doesn't happen that God is somehow NOT good?

It is certainly hard to understand why the healing didn't happen, why the job you so desperately needed never materialized, when the relationship you have built your life on ends.  We can do everything in our power to fix things and still come up short.  We can ask ourselves "why" a million times and still struggle with the lack of an answer.

Certainly, God is in perfect control of every event that touches us.  Sometimes terrible things happen and we don't know why.  Sometimes there is just no explanation good enough to put any salve on the wound whatsoever.  

Our prayers are usually for direct results.  But the fruit is so often in the journey.  It's been on the dark paths that I've learned a great deal about myself, where I'm at in my faith journey and my relationship to Jesus Christ.  I've learned that He really will never leave my side, and He will give me what I need to walk that path.  And He always, always has a purpose, even if I can't see it.  

But most importantly, God will use that experience, if we allow it, to conform us into the likeness of Christ, little by little, and to grow our faith as we see that with each struggle, He is faithful.

Yes, God is good - All the time.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Never Lose Hope

You just never really know for certain how life is going to turn out.  I was thinking about three women of the Bible - Sarah (wife of Moses), Hannah (mother of Samuel) and Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist) and how they gave birth to their sons after years of infertility, and in Sarah and Elizabeth's cases, at an advanced age.  I am sure all of these women felt the anguish of infertility and certainly none expected that to change.  And look what happened!

Perhaps, with a God Who is so totally in control of everything that happens, or doesn't happen, we should not be so quick to give up when things appear to be impossible.  There is no such concept of "impossible" when it comes to God.  Don't ever lose hope.